Collection: Handmade Scented Candles

26 products

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Shipping Free?

Yes! Shipping is free to all locations in India.

Do you offer international shipping?

Yes. We deliver our products internationally as well but the shipping charges vary depending on country and locations. Although the artwork price remains the same shipping charge has to be borne by the buyer.

How long will it take for my art to arrive?

Shipping times vary based on your location and the type of the artwork you've ordered. However, typically, you can expect your order to arrive within 2-3 weeks.

Can I return the artwork if I don’t like it or its damaged?

We understand that sometimes an artwork may not meet your expectations. Our team will instantly connect with you in case of damaged or incorrect artwork and a return will be arranged in that case. In other cases , our team will try to resolve your issues in best possible way.

Can I get a piece of art in a different size or color?

YES!! We do customize our products. In such case just fill up our contact form and reach out with your query. We will be happy to help.

Do you accept bulk order?

Yes!! Just mail us or use our contact form to reach out to us and we can talk about it.